2024년 12월 29일 일요일

The Learning Circuit/회로 기초 다지기

The Learning Circuit/회로 기초 다지기

"회로(Circuit)"를 직관적으로 설명한다. 무척 쉬운 개념부터 시작하여 땜질 하기, 저항과 컨덴서등 기초 부품들, 옴의 법칙, 아날로그 회로(Op Amp, ADC/DAC의 원리), 디지탈 회로(플립-플롭, 아듀이노 활용)에 이르기까지 다양하다.

이 동영상 강좌 제작자의 설명을 보자.


In The Learning Circuit, Karen covers the basics of electronics, components, and circuits with simple language and clear graphics. Each explainer video is followed by a DIY project video that reinforces the concepts.

전자회로를 구성하는 부품들과 회로를 아주 쉬운 말로 명료한 그림들을 동원하여 설명한다. 먼저 개념을 설명하고 스스로 실습을 해볼 수 있도록 하였다.

일예로 Op Amp의 동작 원리를 쉽고 간격하게 설명한다.

How Op Amps Work - The Learning Circuit 

응용으로 마이크 앰프 만들기

OpAmps Project: Build an Amplified Stereo Mic Kit - The Learning Circuit 

이 동영상을 제작한 element14.com 은 부품 공급회사 AVNET 계열이다. 자신들을 An AVNET Comunity로 소개하고 있다. 자사에서 판매하는 키트를 소개하는데 조립은 물론 회로 설명과 동작하는 모습, 측정기 사용을 곁들이고 있다. 사용된 그림들이 간결하고 선명해서 교육자료에 활용하기 좋다.

총 90여편의 동영상으로 구성되어 있는데 너무 방대해 보이지만 수준에 따라 골라보면 좋을 것이다. 아래 목록에서 동작 원리를 설명하는 편을 굵은 글씨로 표기해 두었다.

동영상은 모두 영어로 제작되어 있지만 어렵지 않다. 영어가 안들리는 것은 내용을 이해하지 못했지 때문은 아닌지 자문해보고 이해될때까지 반복해서 보길 보란다.


The Learning Circuit


Circuit Basics - The Learning Circuit

Series & Parallel Circuits - The Learning Circuit

Wigglebots Project - The Learning Circuit

Basic Tools & Wire - The Learning Circuit

Ohm's Law - The Learning Circuit

The Learning Circuit - Basic Soldering Tools

The Learning Circuit - Learning to Solder!

The Learning Circuit - The Science of Electricity

The Learning Circuit - Edge Lit Signs

The Learning Circuit - Building Circuit Blocks

The Learning Circuit - Intro to Arduino

The Learning Circuit - Arduino Starter Kit: Spaceship Interface

The Learning Circuit - Switches

The Learning Circuit - Wire Maze Game

Make Your Own Thermometer! - The Learning Circuit

Temperature Activated Fan! - The Learning Circuit

Resistors - The Learning Circuit

DIY Desktop Fume Fan - The Learning Circuit

Add An LCD To Your Project! - The Learning Circuit

Add An LCD To Your Arduino Project Part 2 - The Learning Circuit

Reading Resistor Chart Values - The Learning Circuit

Make a Resistor Substitution Box! - The Learning Circuit

How Diodes Work - The Learning Circuit

Diode Logic Light Box - The Learning Circuit

Types of Diodes - The Learning Circuit

DIY Laser Light Show - The Learning Circuit

How Transistors Work - The Learning Circuit

Make Your Own Candy Thief Alarm - The Learning Circuit

How Capacitors Work - The Learning Circuit

Capacitor Substitution Box! - The Learning Circuit

How FETs Work - The Learning Circuit

Making a FET Phase Light - The Learning Circuit

Circuit Symbols & Diagrams - The Learning Circuit

Making a Circuit from a Schematic - The Learning Circuit

Electricity & Magnetism - The Learning Circuit

DIY Electromagnet - The Learning Circuit

Community Feedback - Revisiting Transistors - The Learning Circuit

How Inductors Work - The Learning Circuit

Inductor Project: Battery Juicer - The Learning Circuit

Learning About Polymer Capacitors - The Learning Circuit

Intro to DC Motors - The Learning Circuit

Replacing MLCCs with Polymer Capacitors - The Learning Circuit

Zelda Korok Mask with DC Motors - The Learning Circuit

Switches - Poles, Throws, and Relays - The Learning Circuit

How Three-Way Switch Circuits Work - The Learning Circuit

Introducing Microphones and Speakers - The Learning Circuit

Soldering A Voice Changer Kit - The Learning Circuit

How Integrated Circuits Work - The Learning Circuit

Electronic Dice Kit - The Learning Circuit

How Logic Gates Work - The Learning Circuit

Making Logic Gates From Discrete Components - The Learning Circuit

How Combinational Logic Devices Work - The Learning Circuit

How To Drive A 7-segment Display - The Learning Circuit

How Flip Flops Work - The Learning Circuit

Toggle Sign Using an SR Flip-Flop - The Learning Circuit

How 555 timers Work - The Learning Circuit

LED Dominos Using a 555 Timer - The Learning Circuit

In-depth On Inductors with KEMET Part 1

In-depth On Inductors with KEMET Part 2

555 Timer Modes Explained - The Learning Circuit

555 Timer Project | Flashing LED Headband - The Learning Circuit

How Op Amps Work - The Learning Circuit

OpAmps Project: Build an Amplified Stereo Mic Kit - The Learning Circuit

555 Timers - How Bistable Mode Works - The Learning Circuit

555 Timers - How A One Shot Timer Works - The Learning Circuit

How to Generate a Clock Signal with a 555 timer - The Learning Circuit

How Decade Counters Work - The Learning Circuit

How to make Chase Lights with a Decade Counter - The Learning Circuit

How Shift Registers Work - The Learning Circuit

How to Make a 4-bit Shift Register Circuit - The Learning Circuit

How to Add Outputs to an #Arduino using a Shift Register - The Learning Circuit

How to Add Multiple Inputs to an #Arduino using a Shift Register - The Learning Circuit

How Accelerometers Work - The Learning Circuit

Make A Baby Robot With The BBC Micro:bit - The Learning Circuit

How PIR Motion Sensors Work - The Learning Circuit

DIY Motion Activated Snow Globe - The Learning Circuit

How Laser Diodes Work - The Learning Circuit

DIY Laser Trip Wire Alarm - The Learning Circuit

How Do Ultrasonic Distance Sensors Work? - The Learning Circuit

How to Make an Ultrasonic Nervous Robot - The Learning Circuit

How Thermistors Work - The Learning Circuit

Infinity Mirror Beating Heart - The Learning Circuit

How Do Hall Effect Sensors Work? - The Learning Circuit

Electronic To-Do List using Hall Effect Sensors - The Learning Circuit

How Does Alternating Current Work? - The Learning Circuit

DIY AC Waveform Function Generator Kit - The Learning Circuit

How Do ADCs Work? - The Learning Circuit

ADC LED Volume Meter with Arduino Uno - The Learning Circuit

How Do DACs Work? - The Learning Circuit

Making a 12 bit DAC Using an Arduino - The Learning Circuit

How do Electronic Transformers Work? - The Learning Circuit

Transformers in Action: Tesla Coils - The Learning Circuit

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